EVP - Electoral Verification Program is a flagship crowd sourced & completely paperless (e-way) program launched by ECI - Election Commission of India, Delhi running from 1st September, 2019 to 30th November, 2019 giving a golden opportunity for all 91+ crore electors of India, to verify their electoral details like Name, Age, Gender, Address etc and even upload their latest photograph. Its actually a 3 staged process as mentioned below:
1) Electors would use any of the below means to verify their electoral details:
a) Voter Helpline Android or iOS app
b) NVSP portal
c) Visit nearest Voter Facilitation Center setup at District Electoral Office or Electoral Registration Offices
d) Visit nearest Common Service Centers (CSCs) by Digital India
Here electors would perform any of the 2 below mentioned (this is the crowd sourcing) tasks:
A) If they find that all their electoral details are correct; they just need to hit a button as "Information displayed above is correct.". This is called self verification.
B) If they find that their details are incorrect, they need to click on "Information displayed above needs correction" and this option would take them to new page/screen where they need to choose which of the electoral details are incorrect viz. Name or Date of Birth or Relationship Name or Type, Upload new colored photo or update address (not change of address to different city/town/state - as this would need some other FORM to be submitted) etc and then based upon the options chosen (multiple options could be chosen), user would be shown with a facility to enter correct details and also upload corresponding document (2MB size in JPEG/PNG format) as per the dropdown option given against it. Here, we need to know that the document to be uploaded like DL/Passport/Aadhaar/Rental Agreement etc options are shown depending upon the type of field correction you are opting for. This is also called self verification.
After doing any of the above step, as required in your case, you need to perform below tasks:
1) Electors would use any of the below means to verify their electoral details:
a) Voter Helpline Android or iOS app
b) NVSP portal
c) Visit nearest Voter Facilitation Center setup at District Electoral Office or Electoral Registration Offices
d) Visit nearest Common Service Centers (CSCs) by Digital India
Here electors would perform any of the 2 below mentioned (this is the crowd sourcing) tasks:
A) If they find that all their electoral details are correct; they just need to hit a button as "Information displayed above is correct.". This is called self verification.
B) If they find that their details are incorrect, they need to click on "Information displayed above needs correction" and this option would take them to new page/screen where they need to choose which of the electoral details are incorrect viz. Name or Date of Birth or Relationship Name or Type, Upload new colored photo or update address (not change of address to different city/town/state - as this would need some other FORM to be submitted) etc and then based upon the options chosen (multiple options could be chosen), user would be shown with a facility to enter correct details and also upload corresponding document (2MB size in JPEG/PNG format) as per the dropdown option given against it. Here, we need to know that the document to be uploaded like DL/Passport/Aadhaar/Rental Agreement etc options are shown depending upon the type of field correction you are opting for. This is also called self verification.
After doing any of the above step, as required in your case, you need to perform below tasks:
i) Family Tagging: Search the voter id number or EPIC number (10 digit alphanumeric) of your family members (who may be staying with you or living separately) and tag them with you by choosing proper relationship type from the given list. It is to be noted that, the family tagging options shown vary depending upon who is tagging them. You father as the head of family would show you more options. After tagging, next task is, verification of the details of these tagged members. This is same as A or B as mentioned above.
ii) Registration of Un-enrolled and Prospective Electors: In this page, you are giving details on your family members / siblings who have already turned 18 but not yet registered as an elector or who is 16 years + and so called as prospective elector (wrt upcoming SSR year), meaning he would be an elector in next upcoming elections. Prospective elector would need to fill FORM-6 once he turns 18, to get his PVC colored EPIC card.
iii) Feedback of Polling Station: Here, you have the options to submit feedback (6 simple objective questions of yes/no type) on the convenience facilities at your polling station based on the experience of the recent Lok Sabha elections.
PwD (Person with Disability) electors have an easy option where in they just need to call 1950 (nation wide toll free number) and give their details. They are just required to provide details orally (no need to submit any documents).
So, EVP is about you as an elector performing A or B and i, ii and iii tasks using any of the means/channels as mentioned in a, b, c or d. Once any elector, completes these tasks using Voter Helpline app, elector would get a PDF certificate bearing a signature of CEO (Chief Electoral Officer). One of the important objective of EVP is to link your mobile number with your Voter ID or EPIC, which could be done using any of a,b,c and d.
2) Field Verification by BLO: In election process, there are different grade of officers who work in below hierarchy, from Field (Booth) level to Office level at ECI Delhi.
For information:
I) BLOs - Booth Level Officers : These are usually Government school teachers. There are plans to utliize Post-office staff's service as BLO.
II) Data Entry Operators: These officers (Group C) or outsourced, sit at AERO/ERO offices and work on a centralized software (ERONET) provided by ECI, Delhi.
III) AERO/ERO Officers: These are the Group A or B government officers at AERO/ERO office in each of Assembly constituencies (ERO) or Taluk Panchayat levels (AERO).
IV) DEO: These are actually District Commissioners (IAS grade), who also assume the role of District Electoral Officer for election related works.
V) CEO: Chief Electoral Officers (IAS grade) at State or Union Territories
VI) CEC: Chief Election Commission officers at ECI , Delhi
So, all the information submitted by you as an elector (crowd sourced !) would be stored in a software named as ERONET which is maintained by ECI, Delhi. Each of the above officers, have access to this software based upon their roles. Among these, the people at ground level i.e BLOs would visit your house along with BLO android app for Field Verification. They would go through the data & document submitted by you using Android app only and it is sufficient if electors shows them the original documents for verification purpose. They would also capture the GPS location of your house. The field verification remarks submitted by BLO would also enter the ERONET software system. BLO has the provision to collect data if elector has not submitted as per above self verification process.
3) Review and Approval by AERO/ERO: The AERO/ERO would be the final authority here, who using ERONET software would go through data & document submitted by elector and also review field verification remarks submitted by BLO and finally ACCEPT or REJECT your FORMs as the case may be. Once your FORM-8 accepted by AERO/ERO, your details would enter its final destination UNPER (Unified National Photo Electoral Roll).
So, this EVP is a special program, one of its kind, run under routine (annual) process of SSR - Special Summary Revision. SSR would finally end in draft publication of electoral rolls during the beginning of every year, after performing continuous revision of electoral rolls after previous SSR to current SSR, adding new electors, making corrections in existing electors (as requested by electors) and removing dead electors. EVP essentially has a focus on making corrections in electoral details, as per the inputs given by them in a crowd sourced manner.
Electors need to use below FORMs as the case may be:
1) New Inclusion in Electoral Roll and get new colored PVC EPIC: FORM-6
2) Migration from one AC to another (may be one district to another district or state): FORM-6 with PART-4
3) Registration for Overseas or NRIs - FORM-6A.
4) Correction in Particulars: FORM-8
5) Moving from one Part to another in same AC (Change of Polling Station within same Assembly Constituency i.e. Transposition): FORM-8A
6) Reporting of Dead Electors or who have permanently given up Indian Citizenship: FORM-7
7) Duplicate Voter ID or EPIC - FORM-001
These FORMs are available in Voter Helpline app (Android or iOS) OR NVSP web-based portal. If you are getting confused on which FORM to use for what purpose, please use NVSP portal, which is interactive in nature and would suggest appropriate FORMs after you answer some basic questions. All these FORMs are available in print/physical form in your AERO/ERO or DEO offices.
Here is the list of some useful links:
1) Voter Helpline Android or iOS App - Android App or iOS App : This app gives you access to all FORMs, which you could fill and submit online. The app has search facility to search your details by name/EPIC number or even scan the bar code of the your PVC EPIC. This app also has facility to download QR coded Voter Slip. Some other features include - view the schedule of upcoming elections, candidates contesting for elections, view the election results etc. Before using this app, as a first step, you need to login by entering your mobile number and perform OTP authentication and link mobile number with your EPIC.
2) NVSP Portal - https://www.nvsp.in: This portal would first ask you to register yourself using email/EPIC or mobile and then access its features for EVP / search your name in Electoral Roll / Submit FORMs 6,7,8 and 8A / Track application status of your submitted FORMs using its reference number.
3) ERONET Portal - http://eronet.ecinet.in : This portal is for Operator, AERO/ERO, DEO, CEO and ECI Officers only and mainly for processing of FORMs - 6,7,8 etc. This portal would also give a dashboard which is rich in different kind of some 40+ reports, shown based on the role of the logged in user like DSE (Demographically Similar Entries - electors with almost same details but present in 2 different places), LE (Logical Errors - Having special character in names, gender as male but having relationship type as Husband etc [due to data entry mistakes]), list of first time voters etc etc.
Some other links include:
Public Usage:
https://eci.gov.in - Main website maintained by ECI. You can access website of other states from this website
https://www.ceokarnataka.kar.nic.in/ - Karnataka CEO Website
https://eci-citizenservicesforofficers.eci.nic.in - National Grievances Redressal System
https://cvigil.eci.gov.in - Register complaints on violation of Model Code of Conduct during elections
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.nic.eci.cvigil&hl=en_IN - Android app for the same
Use for election staff:
I am happy that i have contributed using the best of my technical skills in conducting Lok Sabha and Bye Elections - 2019 in the capacity of my role as IT Specialist.
Thanks to JCEO Sh. Shambu Bhat D, for giving me an opportunity to give LIVE demonstration of Voter Helpline app as a part of EVP awareness TV program at DD Chandana on 22nd October, 2019.
ii) Registration of Un-enrolled and Prospective Electors: In this page, you are giving details on your family members / siblings who have already turned 18 but not yet registered as an elector or who is 16 years + and so called as prospective elector (wrt upcoming SSR year), meaning he would be an elector in next upcoming elections. Prospective elector would need to fill FORM-6 once he turns 18, to get his PVC colored EPIC card.
iii) Feedback of Polling Station: Here, you have the options to submit feedback (6 simple objective questions of yes/no type) on the convenience facilities at your polling station based on the experience of the recent Lok Sabha elections.
PwD (Person with Disability) electors have an easy option where in they just need to call 1950 (nation wide toll free number) and give their details. They are just required to provide details orally (no need to submit any documents).
So, EVP is about you as an elector performing A or B and i, ii and iii tasks using any of the means/channels as mentioned in a, b, c or d. Once any elector, completes these tasks using Voter Helpline app, elector would get a PDF certificate bearing a signature of CEO (Chief Electoral Officer). One of the important objective of EVP is to link your mobile number with your Voter ID or EPIC, which could be done using any of a,b,c and d.
2) Field Verification by BLO: In election process, there are different grade of officers who work in below hierarchy, from Field (Booth) level to Office level at ECI Delhi.
For information:
I) BLOs - Booth Level Officers : These are usually Government school teachers. There are plans to utliize Post-office staff's service as BLO.
II) Data Entry Operators: These officers (Group C) or outsourced, sit at AERO/ERO offices and work on a centralized software (ERONET) provided by ECI, Delhi.
III) AERO/ERO Officers: These are the Group A or B government officers at AERO/ERO office in each of Assembly constituencies (ERO) or Taluk Panchayat levels (AERO).
IV) DEO: These are actually District Commissioners (IAS grade), who also assume the role of District Electoral Officer for election related works.
V) CEO: Chief Electoral Officers (IAS grade) at State or Union Territories
VI) CEC: Chief Election Commission officers at ECI , Delhi
So, all the information submitted by you as an elector (crowd sourced !) would be stored in a software named as ERONET which is maintained by ECI, Delhi. Each of the above officers, have access to this software based upon their roles. Among these, the people at ground level i.e BLOs would visit your house along with BLO android app for Field Verification. They would go through the data & document submitted by you using Android app only and it is sufficient if electors shows them the original documents for verification purpose. They would also capture the GPS location of your house. The field verification remarks submitted by BLO would also enter the ERONET software system. BLO has the provision to collect data if elector has not submitted as per above self verification process.
3) Review and Approval by AERO/ERO: The AERO/ERO would be the final authority here, who using ERONET software would go through data & document submitted by elector and also review field verification remarks submitted by BLO and finally ACCEPT or REJECT your FORMs as the case may be. Once your FORM-8 accepted by AERO/ERO, your details would enter its final destination UNPER (Unified National Photo Electoral Roll).
So, this EVP is a special program, one of its kind, run under routine (annual) process of SSR - Special Summary Revision. SSR would finally end in draft publication of electoral rolls during the beginning of every year, after performing continuous revision of electoral rolls after previous SSR to current SSR, adding new electors, making corrections in existing electors (as requested by electors) and removing dead electors. EVP essentially has a focus on making corrections in electoral details, as per the inputs given by them in a crowd sourced manner.
Electors need to use below FORMs as the case may be:
1) New Inclusion in Electoral Roll and get new colored PVC EPIC: FORM-6
2) Migration from one AC to another (may be one district to another district or state): FORM-6 with PART-4
3) Registration for Overseas or NRIs - FORM-6A.
4) Correction in Particulars: FORM-8
5) Moving from one Part to another in same AC (Change of Polling Station within same Assembly Constituency i.e. Transposition): FORM-8A
6) Reporting of Dead Electors or who have permanently given up Indian Citizenship: FORM-7
7) Duplicate Voter ID or EPIC - FORM-001
These FORMs are available in Voter Helpline app (Android or iOS) OR NVSP web-based portal. If you are getting confused on which FORM to use for what purpose, please use NVSP portal, which is interactive in nature and would suggest appropriate FORMs after you answer some basic questions. All these FORMs are available in print/physical form in your AERO/ERO or DEO offices.
Here is the list of some useful links:
1) Voter Helpline Android or iOS App - Android App or iOS App : This app gives you access to all FORMs, which you could fill and submit online. The app has search facility to search your details by name/EPIC number or even scan the bar code of the your PVC EPIC. This app also has facility to download QR coded Voter Slip. Some other features include - view the schedule of upcoming elections, candidates contesting for elections, view the election results etc. Before using this app, as a first step, you need to login by entering your mobile number and perform OTP authentication and link mobile number with your EPIC.
2) NVSP Portal - https://www.nvsp.in: This portal would first ask you to register yourself using email/EPIC or mobile and then access its features for EVP / search your name in Electoral Roll / Submit FORMs 6,7,8 and 8A / Track application status of your submitted FORMs using its reference number.
3) ERONET Portal - http://eronet.ecinet.in : This portal is for Operator, AERO/ERO, DEO, CEO and ECI Officers only and mainly for processing of FORMs - 6,7,8 etc. This portal would also give a dashboard which is rich in different kind of some 40+ reports, shown based on the role of the logged in user like DSE (Demographically Similar Entries - electors with almost same details but present in 2 different places), LE (Logical Errors - Having special character in names, gender as male but having relationship type as Husband etc [due to data entry mistakes]), list of first time voters etc etc.
Some other links include:
Public Usage:
https://eci.gov.in - Main website maintained by ECI. You can access website of other states from this website
https://www.ceokarnataka.kar.nic.in/ - Karnataka CEO Website
https://eci-citizenservicesforofficers.eci.nic.in - National Grievances Redressal System
https://cvigil.eci.gov.in - Register complaints on violation of Model Code of Conduct during elections
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.nic.eci.cvigil&hl=en_IN - Android app for the same
Use for election staff:
I heartily thank all the CEO office staff including CEO, Assistant CEO - 1/2/3, Joint CEO -1/2/3, Deputy CEO - 1/2/3, Assistant CEO - 1/2, Section Officers, Staff at Administrative and Accounts sections, Section Officers at CEO Office, Senior & Junior Technical Consultants, EROs/AEROs of all 224 ACs, TCS Technical Team, Technical Programmers at 33 districts of Karnataka, State & District Master Trainers, Development team at CDAC Pune, Mumbai and Officers of different departments at ECI Delhi in supporting and guiding me to execute my role as IT Specialist at the Chief Electoral Office, Bengaluru, Karnataka from March, 2019 to December, 2019.
Heartfelt thanks to all the concerned staff at CEO, Bangalore and ECI, Delhi for giving me an opportunity (thrice) to visit ECI, Delhi and get myself trained on various IT/ICT initiatives related to Electoral Roll/EVP as State Level Master Trainer (SLMT) and impart the same to District Level Master Trainer (DLMTs) back in Karnataka.
I am happy that i have contributed using the best of my technical skills in conducting Lok Sabha and Bye Elections - 2019 in the capacity of my role as IT Specialist.
Thanks to JCEO Sh. Shambu Bhat D, for giving me an opportunity to give LIVE demonstration of Voter Helpline app as a part of EVP awareness TV program at DD Chandana on 22nd October, 2019.
Electoral Roll Revision - Phone-In Program | 22-10-2019 | DD Chandana
I also thank JCEO for giving me an opportunity to participate in All India Radio's FM Rainbow Bengaluru 101.3 Kannada Kamanabillu - special program on EVP. Part - 1 and Part - 2.
I also worked on Google Actions and created Google Assistant "OK Google, Verify My Voter ID" and also "OK Google, Talk to Cent Percent Sahi", these actions were available in Google Actions from 1st Sep, 2019 till November across India, giving electors all the details on EVP on saying above commands. Thanks to Google, i also got a nice T- shirt as a promotional gift from Google team.
An attempt was also made to use Chatbots for EVP and it was appreciated by ICT, Technical team at ECI, Delhi. Please find a short demonstration video in this regard:
In next 5 years, ECI, Delhi has plans to integrate ERONET portal with many other portals of Government like Digi-Locker, Aadhaar, Passport, Birth & Death Register etc. etc using APIs. Different Apps and Portals of ECI which are being used now may get integrated making it easy for end users. ECI also has plans go towards e-EPIC and even plans for using Blockchain in the future elections.
There is lot to be learnt about election process, which in a democratic country like India is celebrated as National Festival !
