Many thanks to the management & organizers at Computer Science and Engg Dept, BEC, Bagalkot for inviting us - Prof. Ravindra G Dastikop, Prof, Govind G N and Myself for this 3-days TEQIP - II sponsored hands-on workshop on "Cloud Computing and Internet of Things (IoT)" from 14th to 16th Sep, 2016 for final year M.Tech, MCA & few B.E students. We also thank Dr. S R Biradar for supporting us in conducting this workshop.
Click here for PPTs on IoT
Our Other Workshops
Some of the pics taken during the event

Many thanks to our IoT Components vendor -
On the first day, we had an introduction to Cloud Computing, IoT and Aadhaar APIs by Prof. Dastikop using One Minute YouTube Videos -
Later participants tried hands-on: Google Forms, Quizzes, SpreadSheets with SQL Queries, Google Documents with editing in regional language, Google Slides, Google URL Shortener, MindMaps, Blogger and embedding all the above in Blogs..
On the second day the participants made a simple calculator using HTML5 and JavaScript in Codenvy and deployed it in Google App Engine using Google Cloud Console. Later Chrome Developer Tools were demonstrated to debug the code. Afterwards participants pushed the source code to github and pulled from github to Adobe PhoneGap to make an Android App.
On the second day the participants made a simple calculator using HTML5 and JavaScript in Codenvy and deployed it in Google App Engine using Google Cloud Console. Later Chrome Developer Tools were demonstrated to debug the code. Afterwards participants pushed the source code to github and pulled from github to Adobe PhoneGap to make an Android App.
Later participants worked with Google Maps APIs using JavaScript to make sample applications using codenvy and Google App Engine..Participants also made applications by pulling source code from github to codenvy. Later hands-on session were on IBM BlueMix with PHP to make simple calculator. Demonstration on using Facebook and LinkedIn APIs were held. Knowledge of DigiLocker APIs was shared.
On the third day, participants tried hands-on on Arduino UNO and performed various experiments using RGB LEDs, LM35, LDR and Bluetooth Modules. Demonstration of LM35 temperature sensor controlled real fan and LDR controlled real bulb was shown. Also demonstration of real fan control using relay switches and bluetooth was done. Later GSM Shield, Ethernet Shield, NodeMCU and Explore Embedded with CP2102 driver were demonstrated.
During 2nd session on third day, participants worked with ESP8266 Wifi module and ThingSpeak. Use of RaspberryPi 3 with wifi were demonstrated. The sessions ended with introduction to IoT and Cloud project ideas..
We also shared useful links: Spoken Tutorials, NPTEL and Virtual Labs..
On the third day, participants tried hands-on on Arduino UNO and performed various experiments using RGB LEDs, LM35, LDR and Bluetooth Modules. Demonstration of LM35 temperature sensor controlled real fan and LDR controlled real bulb was shown. Also demonstration of real fan control using relay switches and bluetooth was done. Later GSM Shield, Ethernet Shield, NodeMCU and Explore Embedded with CP2102 driver were demonstrated.
During 2nd session on third day, participants worked with ESP8266 Wifi module and ThingSpeak. Use of RaspberryPi 3 with wifi were demonstrated. The sessions ended with introduction to IoT and Cloud project ideas..
We also shared useful links: Spoken Tutorials, NPTEL and Virtual Labs..
Our Other Workshops
Some of the pics taken during the event

Many thanks to our IoT Components vendor -