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Locate Places in Bangalore / Hyderabad / Chennai by an SMS to 900 88 900 88

Locate places and get driving directions in Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai by sending an sms to 90088 90088.

To locate a place [Bangalore, Hyderabad and Chennai] send a message as:

WHERE to 90088 90088

Ex: WHERE Vijayanagar 900 88 900 88


WHERE NEAR to 90088 90088

Ex: WHERE  Hotels NEAR Vijayanagar 900 88 900 88


GO TO to 90088 90088

Ex: GO Majestic TO Vijayanagar 900 88 900 88

The latlong technology is developed by Onze Technology India ( 
The founders of Onze had quit their job at Infosys to start the location based services company.
