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Showing posts from October, 2016

Invited - Hands-On Workshop on Cloud Computing at ISE Dept, SDMCET

One day Hands-On Workshop on Cloud Computing for 7th sem ISE students organised by the Department of Information Science and Engineering, SDMCET   on 5th October 2016. Resource Persons: Prof. Mayur  Patil and Prof. Govind Negalur. Coordinators Dr.Vandana Bhat and Prof.V.K.Parvati. Click here for Cloud Computing PPT   Develop simple calculator using JavaScript and HTML on Cloud using Codenvy   Converting Cloud Application to Android App using PhoneGAP Participants made a simple calculator using HTML5 and JavaScript in Codenvy and deployed it in Google App Engine using Google Cloud Console. Later Chrome Developer Tools were demonstrated to debug the code. Afterwards participants pushed the source code to github and pulled from github to Adobe PhoneGap to make an Android App. Later participants worked  with Google Maps APIs using JavaScript to make sample applications using codenvy and Google App Engine..Part...